- last month of academic year for my current school which means:
- Scholastic Achievement Tests for Yr 5 - 9
- Marking the above tests
- Report card writing
- end of term for my university course
- writing and submitting final paper for the course
- waiting for marks
- final month of specialist AQ part 1 to my teaching certification
- start of specialist AQ part 2
- visa and movement issues / planning for August move
AND to top it all off the female cat (CRF/CKD cat) crashes and spends 2 weeks in hospital. Roller Coaster is an appropriate description. It wasn't one of those kiddie coasters either - rather it was one of the most intense, old style wooden track coasters you can imagine. Thankfully June is coming to a close in a few days and things should get a bit better / easier.
- Tests have been administered and marked
- reports have been written and sent home
- paper has been submitted - still waiting on final confirmation of marks :-S
- AQ part 1 completed with A+ mark :-)
- AQ part 2 started and all resources have arrived :-)
- Visa and movement issues are ticking along all in the hands of my new employer
- Cat back from the hospital, blood levels as normal as they get for her, she is eating and drinking without a feeding tube. :-D
Now, off to a nice dinner out at a new spot with some friends. :-)))